Fooling the Eye

Fooling the Eye, Storiel


6 July 2019


Storiel, Bangor
SH 58013 72155; 53.22739°N, 4.12845°W


Fooling the Eye is an exhibition of 32 small quilts hosted by Storiel and was open to the public from 22 June until 31 August 2019. Textile artists from the Modern Quilt Group created the works on show as part of their 2018 challenge to “explore the possibilities of optical illusions, impossible figures, shadows, layers, perspective, weaving and making three dimensions appear out of two”.

Further Reading


Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

Fooling the Eye, Storiel

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