Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen


19 July 2014


SH 57775 63045; 53.14549°N, 4.12795°W


Machpellah Cemetery in Deiniolen has been administered by Arfon Borough Council since 1978. It was founded by 11 local chapels of various denominations in 1844 and was expanded in the 1920s. The name comes from the Hebrew machpelah (‘double cave’), also known as the Cave of the Patriarchs, a site near Hebron purchased, according to tradition, by Abraham as a family mausoleum.

Acknowledgement: grateful thanks are due to Annwen Jones, Gwynedd Council Archivist for providing historical details of the site.


Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

11 thoughts on “Machpellah Cemetery, Deiniolen

  1. Another fabulous set, some wonderful patterns in the rusty wrought iron. Rain becomes a Welsh churchyard, and your photos really bring out the nature of the slate.


  2. Again, the master craftsmen at work in order for the departed to be safe. Whilst we may fear death there is a peace when wandering around graveyards that overcomes it. These are beautiful pictures.


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